I have just started to read the first assigned novel of the summer, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. I think this book will be a little more interesting than the usual summer reading novels; the dialect is actually pretty much the same dialect that is used in novels written in modern times. I have also heard many good things about this book, which is why I chose to read it instead of some of the other choices we had.
Although Fahrenheit 451 was published in 1953, it appears to take place in the future. Guy Montag, the main character, is a firefighter. However, firefighters in this time period are different than our everyday firefighters. Instead of saving people and houses, they seem to be burning books. I do not know or understand why yet, but as of page 12, this is what appears to be happening. In the very first scene, Guy was lighting on fire and thinking about how satisfying this is. After he did this, he showered and headed home. On his way home, he met a girl, Clarisse. She was a teenage girl, seventeen years old, and began talking to Guy in a very strange way. She told him about how her family was different; her uncle had different ideas about their society and often got arrested. The strange thing was, the things he got arrested for were things that were completely normal for us in our society, such as driving forty miles per hour down a road. Clarisse then started asking about firefighters. She asked Guy if he ever read any of the books before he burnt them, and he said it was againt the law. Clarisse then told him that she heard that firefighters once, a long time ago, actually tried to put out fires instead of starting them, and Guy laughed. This is how I came to the conclusion about the book being set in the future. Something is also mentioned regarding "fireproof houses," which I think helps confirm my assumption.
As of right now, I am still kind of confused about what is going on. I am sure my confusion will be put to rest as I continue along the book, but for right now I am stumped. The book doesnt seem like it will be too terrible though, so I will have no problem reading ahead and figuring out more about the strange events taking place in Farenheit 451.
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