Friday, January 7, 2011

Journal #29

Taylor Swift's new album, "Speak Now," is an album every person should have. Yes, even the boys should listen to the third album by the super hot sensation TSwizzle. The extended album, sold only at Target, is even better and contains three extra tracks and two acoustic versions. While it sounds completely generic and cliche for a sixteen year old girl to be in love with Taylor Swift, I truly believe my affection is justified. Taylor Swift has written every single one of her songs ever sense her debut album; therefore, she is not just some pretty face jamming along to words she does not even believe. She truly can exhibit emotion in her songs because all of the situations she sings about have personally influenced her and affected her. Her lyrics are not cheezy little second grade rhymes either; her lyrics are actually extremely complex and thought through. For example, in her new single "Back to December," Taylor sings, "So this is me swallowing my pride standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night, and I go back to December all the time. It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you, wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine. I'd go back to December turn around and make it all right. I'd go back to December all the time."

As one might be able to see, these lyrics are not little kid rhymes; they are complex, thought through, and they actually give off emotion. I think this is incredibly important in a song. Many people say that she does not have a good voice; however, I have personally seen her three times in concert and she is not a bad singer. How do you think a seventeen year old would feel going up onstage in front of hundreds of the people they have looked up to for years and trying to sing perfectly? That is what she was doing for the first couple years of her career, and personally I know that even if I was the best singer in the world, I would sound terrible. In truth, she is not a bad singer at all, and in her newest album "Speak Now" her voice sounds even more mature and has an even greater range. The album is an impressive piece of work that I think everyone should check out; one might learn a little something.

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