Saturday, August 21, 2010

Banks Are Not Robots

So, I am beginning to see a pattern in Grapes of Wrath. It is like every other chapter we will read something interesting, and those chapters in between are about things that have no value to us yet. However, Chapter Five was not as bad as Chapters One and Three. I just like reading about Joad and characters that are interesting, not some random people or animals. This chapter was not too bad though. I am beginning to understand more of what is going on; it is like the land is so bad, families are beginning to be evicted. The bank is trying to clear all of the land so they can sell it and make money off of it, or something like that. However, the people that live there are obviously not happy. Since this is such a little country farming town, these houses have pretty much all been built by hand, and generations of families have lived in them. So when somebody tries to just straight up tell the families to leave, they are obviously not happy at all. I do not blame them; what gives the band the right to just make everyone change their entire lives?

I think it is kind of weird how they view the bank, even though I do understand that people in this small town are not very familiar with big city banking and stuff. However, they call the bank the monster and act as if it is its own self. This is pretty much how the men who are evicting the families refer to the bank, and I just think it is kind of odd. Banks are run by people, it is not like this is I Robot or something where the machine takes over and goes insane. Plus this is an old book, so that concept probably was not even considered.

Now it is time for me to get started on Chapter Six, which is a good thing because, if the pattern proves true, this chapter will be about Joad and therefore will not be boring or dumb or pointless. Hopefully.

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