I was very happy for Montag when he met Faber. Well, techincally he had already met Faber, but I was happy when they reunited. Faber, in my opinion, is like Clarisse all grown up. He had actually lived his life the way he wanted, and although he had almost lost his battle a few times, he kept pushing on. He reminds me of one of those gentle old men with the long white hair and beard. He was scared to death of firemen, but at the same time, he did not care what people thought. He was wildly intelligent; that is what reading will do for you. When he first saw Montag at his door, he became terrified because he thought Montag was going to burn down his house. Once he realized why Montag was really there, though, he became excited about this new adventure.
Faber was a bit of a comforter to Montag. While the rest of Montag's world was falling to pieces, here was one guy who really understand what Montag was trying to do and was willing to help. He was also way better company then Mildred, but I mean a dead field mouse would probably be better company then Mildred.
Faber gave Montag a new light inside of him. He put an idea in Montag's head, the idea that this horrible and corrupt society could be changed. While previously Montag had only thought about this concept in his wildest dreams, Faber made it realistic, made it seem possible. Even if the plan had been completely, one hundred percent impossible, the fact that Faber convinced Montag it could be done changed Montag's life. Montag now had something to live for! Beforehand, Montag had nothing. His wife did not need him. His job did not need him. He was useless. Now he was the beginning of a revolution! He felt like he was important for the first time in his life, and that changed everything.
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