Reading Chapter Four was a huge relief. It actually involved characters, and it contained some actual action. The truck driver guy drove away, so I guess his appearance in the book was not really a big deal. Joad is mainly focused on. The turtle from last chapter is still in the book; Joad picks him up and wraps him in his coat, which I think is weird but hey, whatever floats your boat. The turtle peed on him, which I think is kind of funny. However, I do not dislike Joad really anymore; he actually seems like a pretty cool guy. I do not understand why he is was in prison though. Yeah, he killed a guy, but is that not considered self defense? The dude had a knife in Joad? Whatever, the law is screwed up.
So, we meet this new character, a man named Casy who used to be the preacher. I really like Casy. It is annoying, however, that his name is not spelled like "Casey" like it normally would be spelled because I keep typing it wrong. Oh well. Anyway, so Casy is this guy who used to be a great preacher and fill people with the spirit and stuff, but now he does not really believe anymore. His problem is sex. Apparently after his really good sermons and stuff, he would find a girl from the congregation and have sex with her. Does anyone else find this a little weird? I mean, hey, if you want to have sex with someone, go right ahead, I can't stop you. I just think it is weird that giving great sermons would give him that urge, and that the girl would be so willing to do it with him. Given his physical description, he does not exactly sound like model material. Actually, he reminds me of like an older, dying Randy Travis or something. Yeah, that is not exactly attractive, but I guess the girls dig it.
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