Thursday, October 21, 2010

Journal #16

My favorite animal is the ligerpus. It is a character that was discovered by scientists in 1979 on the banks of Africa, and it has also been found in the forests of Berlin, Germany. This incredible creature is no joke. It is a mix of the fierce tiger, the great and powerful lion, and the feared octopus. The liger was found on August thirty first, 1978 in the jungles of Beijing, China, and it was thought to be an extravagant discovery. Just imagine scientists utter and pure joy when the found the ligerpus! This beast just may potentially be the greatest discovery ever. I do not even think that aliens could compare to this. Speaking of aliens, one might wonder why the ligerpus is not a commonly known animal. The answer to this is simple. Scientists and animal protection people were afraid that people would go crazy when they heard about the ligerpus and try to hunt it for its unique fur. The fur is a leathery, thick, tough hide, but it is also as silky as silk. Of course this animal would be illegally hunted by the evil men of the world. Also, the knowledge of the ligerpus would probably just send people into shock because of the astounding greatness and beauty of it. Because of these reasons, the ligerpus was put into a building in Nevada protected by special agents. Not many people actually know what is located in this area, called Area 51, but since I am the great Nikki I was informed that the ligerpus is indeed kept there, not aliens as some may expect. There are still ligerpi running freely in their natural habitats, but there are some kept in Area 51 for studying and protecting. I myself actually own a mother ligerpus and two baby ligerpi. They are my pride and joy. The ligerpus is quite obviously my favorite animal. If others were allowed to know of this great animal, I am sure it would become their favorite as well. However, Luke, Paige, the special agents, and I are the only existing people on this universe that are aware of the great ligerpus's presence. We are very blessed people.

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