Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Journal #5

So, I have these super strict parents. Whenever I do something remotely wrong, whether I even think it is wrong or not, I will get grounded from one thing or another. Usually Facebook is taken away from me. My cell phone used to be the most common thing taken away, but now that I can drive they do not really do that anymore. It would just be my luck that the one day I did not have my cell phone, I would get in an accident or hit a deer or run out of gas or something ridiculous. Now my parents just ground me from Facebook for a day or too. I hate that. Facebook is my main method of communication. My parents are like, can you not just pick up the phone and call them? I am like, no, you cannot creep on people's pictures over a phone call, duh. Plus I have a lot of friends on Facebook that are from other schools and stuff, so Facebook is pretty much how I keep connected with them. Yeah, I could text them, but then my parents will complain about how all I ever do is text and they would get mad about that and then I would probably talk back and get grounded from Facebook again.

While I do hate this, it is fair. It is a lot more fair than getting grounded from my car or something extreme. Some people I know do not get punished at all for anything, and I think that is kind of ridiculous. I mean, I do not like getting punished and I think a lot of parents punish their kids for way dumb reasons, but when the parents just let their kid do whatever they want, they will probably grow up to be bad people. Bad people equal a bad community, and then our own children will be growing up with all those bad influences. What would the world come to? It would certainly not be a very happy place.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Nikki,

    Even though I don't think taking away facebook is the worst punishment, I agree with you about not being able to creep on people's pictures without it. Because creeping on people is probably the best thing about facebook. And I think your writing style is really to the point and easy to relate to.


