Sunday, August 22, 2010

Grampa is Dead

Grampa just died. When I read that, I exclaimed inside my mind, "What the heck?!" He was my favorite character. Now he is gone. Who is going to make this book funny now? I mean, Granma is a pretty funny lady, but now she is all sad because her husband just dies, which is totally understandable, but now this book is going to be so incredibly boring. I hate to say it, but it was probably the Joad family who killed him. When he would not leave the house, they made him drink that medicine. Has anybody read any of the magazine headlines lately? People try to kill themselves by overdosing on medicine. Grampa probably had a pretty good overdose going on right there, and, mixed in along with his old age and screwed up joints, it probably killed him. Maybe it did not; maybe it was just his time to go. But the fact that he never really woke up out of his little drug haze that had been going on makes it a little suspicious.

I would be really sad if my dad or my grandma died, obviously. It would make it even worse to have it happen right as I was getting ready to start a new, more glamorous life. Plus, they buried him in the ground. Like, they tied him up in a blanket and straight up buried him in the dirt. If I was in their situation, I guess I would have done the same thing because there was really nothing else they could have done. I would be super incredibly sad, though, because it seems like he did not even matter. That would suck a lot.

I think it is smart of the Joads and the Wilsons to combine forces. To continue their journeys separately all the way out to California would probably be impossible, but with the two families working together, it just might be possible. For some reason, just now I could not type the word "possible." It took me like six tries. That was really weird. Anyway, I want to know what is up with Sairy Wilson. She is in some kind of pain that is obviously very strong, yet she has not let anyone know why yet. This adds some suspense to the book, which is good. Now I kind of actually want to continue reading in order to find out what is causing this pain.

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