Friday, August 20, 2010

Shark Attack

I have never been on an airplane. I was going to go on one once, but dumb things happened and then it never happened. I have two little brothers, and therefore car rides are not very fun. Oh, do not get me wrong, they are quite fun for my brothers and I. We get along very very well. They are not fun for my parents, who have to drive the whole way and listen to us being loud and obnoxious. Basically what I am saying is that I have never been to an ocean. This bums me out quite a bit; I have always wanted to swim in the ocean. If I ever did though, I know I would be scared to see a shark. You always hear stories about how, whoops, there was a shark in a place it was not supposed to be, and there goes a girl's arm or a boy's leg. I would prefer to have all my body parts, please. So if I was in a little boat, all by myself, a long way away from any civilization and I saw sharks start to circle my boat, I would freak out. Tears may be involved. I have no idea how the old man remained as calm as he did, but he certainly handled the situation well. He just waited until the shark was close enough, then stuck the harpoon right into his noggin. Unfortunately, the shark had already taken a chunk out of the big fish. During this time, I was wondering again why the old man did not just pull the fish into his boat for like an hour until the shark went away, but then I remembered that this fish was kind of like a small car, and therefore was not exactly easy to pull out of the water and into a boat. I also realized that sharks have attacked boats before, and I would probably rather have a shark attack my fish then my boat and then eat me for dessert.

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